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About Cheryl
My love for color, texture, and beauty has been a constant since childhood. I grew up crafting, knitting, and sewing, which naturally led me to a career in textile design. But alongside this passion, I struggled with weight issues and compulsive eating, challenges that deeply shaped my life.

Creativity is in my veins and I use it to face any challenge. Through deep soul writing, I explored the deeper struggles with body image. I began to paint, and it became my path to healing. Now, with Flesh and Soul, I’m embracing vulnerability and sharing my journey through art.

If you had told me I’d one day reveal my deepest shame to the world, I wouldn’t have believed you. But I’ve discovered the incredible power of owning my truth, and the healing that comes from being truly seen. My vulnerability became a source of inspiration—and my transformation, a powerful medicine for others.
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
~Anaïs Nin
Full Story
Flesh and Soul proof of concept.